Rev. Todd S. McCrary, M.S. Ed. Pastor

Shiloh Baptist Church
104 1/2 Elizabeth Street
Bordentown, NJ 08505

Church History image
The year was 1917 when the Reverend William Bragg was called to a little mission in Bordentown by its six members: Deacon Errand Greenhill, Deacon David Randolph, Sister Margaret Taylor, Brother and Sister Aaron Keys and Brother William Chatman.  The mission was then located on Second Street and was known as Second Baptist Church.  Reverend Bragg and the members felt that a more relevant name for the church would be Shiloh.  After a substantial growth in membership, the Permanent Council of the Bethany Baptist Association was called and the church was recognized as the Shiloh Baptist Church of Bordentown, New Jersey.

In 1923, after meeting for several years in the old Maron Hall on Second Street, property was acquired on East Burlington Street and one year later the Reverend Bragg led his congregation in a triumphant march into a new sanctuary. For many years the members of Shiloh struggled and worked in the name of the Lord and finally on November 18, 1953, the mortgage was burned. This sanctuary now serves as a historical site in Bordentown.

With over fifty years of dedicated and faithful service to God and mankind, The Reverend Bragg was forced to retire because of failing health. He died at the age of 104.

In January 1967, the Reverend William L. King of Camden, New Jersey accepted the call of the members and was installed as pastor. During his tenure as pastor the lower auditorium was remodeled, new pulpit furniture was purchased and a bus was acquired for the convenience of the Shiloh members.

In February 1974 Reverend George L. Coleman, Jr. was called to be the interim pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church. With the support of his home church congregation he was installed as pastor on October 13, 1974 by his pastor, the Reverend J.D. Harris of Mt. Calvary Baptist Church, Camden, New Jersey.

As Pastor Coleman began leading the congregation spiritually, he realized the then standing structure would not service the growing membership. With God given vision Pastor Coleman began to formulate the plan for a new edifice. The small moderate-income congregation did not easily accept the concept. However, the power of prayer took control. "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." Jeremiah 33:3

In March 1975, the vote to build a new church was taken and November 13, 1975, the ground was broken. The next six years could be called the years of happy and anticipation, sometimes a little doubt, but mostly the years of saving...always with prayer. The Ways and Means committee was organized, the Building Committee was formed, team captains were selected and the teamwork began. In the midst of all activities, the pastor's leadership ad actual participation provided the necessary encouragement.

The actual building time lasted from January through July 1981. Unfortunately, all of those who began with us did not see the "fruit of their labor." Yet their presence was with us on that great day of August 9, 1981 when the march-in took place. After the cornerstone was laid in November 1981, the pastor kept us focused in responsibility. ("Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." I Corinthians 15:58.) Our work began... to satisfy the mortgage. On Sunday, October 8, 1995 the vision was realized at the Mortgage Burning.

On March 16th, 2008, the sudden death of our beloved Pastor G. L. Coleman, Jr. marked the end of a great era in our church's history. The Reverend Archie G. McBride served as our pastor from September 2010 until October 2016 as the congregation continued to uplift and magnify the name of the Lord.

On May 19, 2019,  Rev. Todd S. McCrary was installed as the fifth pastor of The Shiloh Baptist Church.  The heritage of those few faithful armor bearers who started Shiloh 100 years ago is still being carried on and Shiloh still stands ready to minister to all who will hear.  Thus with the mighty words of our Lord, Jesus Christ, we look forward to the next 100 years.  "Upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."  Matthew 16:18
About Our Pastor image
Reverend McCrary accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior at the age of eight and was long time member of The First Corinthian Baptist Church in Philadelphia, PA where he worshipped and served under Pastor J.W. Thomas and Pastor Silas Thomas, M. Div. First Corinthian is the church that nurtured and is responsible for Rev. McCrary’s growth and progression in his ministry.  The positions held at First Corinthian are: Sunday School Member and Teacher, Choir Member and Director, Trustee Board Member, Van Driver, and Bible Study student.
Reverend McCrary holds a B.A. in English from St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas, and a Master’s of Science in Elementary Education Degree from Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, PA.  Additionally, Rev. McCrary has a Christian Studies Certificate from the Eastern School of Christian Ministry.
Rev. McCrary was licensed to preach the Gospel on August 31, 2003 under the leadership of Rev. Silas Thomas. and later Rev. McCrary was ordained January 2008 while under the leadership of Rev. Keith A. Marshall at The Macedonia Baptist Church in Trenton, NJ. 
Throughout his career, Rev. McCrary has traveled quite a bit and has relocated for employment purposes five times.  Each time he has relocated, he remained active member in the Missionary Baptist Church.
Reverend McCrary enjoys preaching the Gospel and spreading the Good News.  He is truly humbled and honored to be called into ministry.  Reverend McCrary is a devoted husband to his precious wife Tara McCrary of 14 years and enjoys fatherhood and spending time with his pretty daughter Takiyah (13 years old) and very energetic and handsome son Tahj (9 years old).
Currently Rev. McCrary works at The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) where he has been employed for 17 ½ years. He has held quite a few positions while at TCNJ and is now an Assistant Director of EOF.  In this capacity, Rev. McCrary is able to continue to provide guidance to young adults through degree completion and many of his former students have gone on to complete advanced degrees to include Juris Doctorates, Medical Doctorates and PhDs. 
Now after 16 years in the ministry, Rev. McCrary is excited and humbled to serve as the Pastor of the Shiloh Baptist church in Bordentown, NJ and is looking forward to what God has in store for his new church family.
Message From The Pastor image
Ephesians 4:11-12 King James Version (KJV)
11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

Reverend Todd S. McCrary


Deacon Thomas B. Coleman

Chairman, Deacons Ministry

Trustee Larry S. Thompson

Chairman, Trustees Ministry

Deaconess Evelyn Byrd

Church Clerk

Deacons Ministry

Deacon Thomas B. Coleman, Chairman Deacon Anthony Jenkins, Vice Chairman Deacon Gerald Davis

Trustee Ministry

Trustee Larry Thompson, Chairman Trustee LeRoy Ganges, Vice Chairman Trustee Albert Jones Trustee Gregory L. Byrd, Sr. Trustee Samuel Jones Trustee Darrell Jackson Trustee Evelyn Byrd Trustee Jesse Saunders

Deaconess Ministry

Deaconess Shirley Johnson, President Deaconess Evelyn Byrd, Vice President

Elected Officers

Trustee Gregory Byrd, Sr., Financial Secretary Trustee Albert Jones, Assistant Financial Secretary Deaconess Evelyn Byrd, Church Clerk

Appointed Officers

Sister Bertha Lynn Robinson, Church Auditor Deaconess Shirley Johnson, Director of Christian Education Deacon Thomas B. Coleman, Superintendent of Sunday School Trustee Darrell Jackson, Envelope Offering Clerk

Finance/Budget Ministry

Sister B. Lynn Robinson, Chairperson Deacon Anthony Jenkins Sister Liliam Thompson

Sunday School

Deacon Thomas Coleman, Superintendent Deaconess Shirley Johnson, Assistant Superintendent Sister Liliam Thompson, Secretary Sister B. Lynn Robinson, Treasurer

Scholarship Ministry

Pastor's Aides Ministry

President Sister Renee' Jenkins, Vice President Sister Annie Wiggins, Secretary

Church Anniversary Ministry

Sister Dena Jones, Chairperson

Ways and Means

Sister Richelle Pierson, President

Senior Ushers Board

Sister Dena Jones, President Trustee Gregory Byrd, Sr., Vice President Sister Liliam Thompson, Secretary Sister Tanya Anderson, Assistant Secretary Brother Eric Richards, Treasurer Brother Edward Woods

Young Adult Usher's Board

Sister Liliam Thompson, Advisor Brother Tahj McCrary, President Brother Tay'Shaun McBride, Vice President Sister Takiyah McCrary, Treasurer

Women's Auxiliary

Deaconess Shirley Johnson, President Sister Liliam Thompson, Vice President Sister Jean Riley, Secretary/Treasurer Sister Annie Wiggins, Chaplain

Senior Choir

Sister Grace Clayton, President Sister Jean Riley, Secretary Sister Shirley Johnson, Treasurer Sister Annette Allen, Chaplin

King Echoes

Sister Grace Clayton, President Sister Richelle Pierson, Vice President Sister Jean Riley, Secretary Sister Renee' Jenkins, Treasurer

Inspirational Voices

Deacon Anthony Jenkins, President Larry Thompson, Vice President Trustee Albert Jones, Treasurer Trustee Jesse Saunders, Chaplin

Nurse's Unit

Sister Grace Clayton, President Sister Carrie Moore, Secretary Sister Lillie Lowery, Treasurer

Culinary Ministry

Sister Renee' Jenkins, Chairperson Deacon Thomas Coleman Sister Liliam Thompson Sister Lynn Robinson

Decorations Ministry

Sister Jean Riley, President Sister Carrie Moore, Vice President Sister Richelle Pierson, Chaplin

Rally Day Facility Teams

Sister Dena Jones, Chairperson / Treasurer Sister Renee Jenkins, Vice Chairman/Secretary Sister Liliam Thompson, Captain Sister Monica Sanders-Gideon, Captain

Men's Ministry

Brother Leroy Ganges, Chairman Trustee Samuel Jones, Vice Chairman Trustee Jesse Saunders, Chaplain Trustee Albert Jones, Treasurer Trustee Gregory Byrd, Assistant Treasurer

Women's Ministry

Sister Richelle Pierson, Chairperson Sister Monica Sanders Gideon, Vice Chairperson Sister Bonita Johnson, Treasurer Deaconess Shirley Johnson, Captain Sister Lillie Lowery, Captain Sister Tanya Anderson, Youth Captain

Youth Ministry

Sister Tara McCrary, President Sister Tanya Anderson, Vice President

Reverend Todd S. McCrary


Deacon Thomas B. Coleman

Chairman, Deacons Ministry

Deacon Anthony Jenkins

Vice Chairman Deacons Ministry

Deacon Gerald Davis

Deacons Ministry

Trustee Larry S. Thompson

Chairman Trustee's Ministry

Trustee Albert Jones

Assistant Church Financial Secretary

Trustee Gregory L. Byrd, Sr.

Church Financial Secretary


Church Treasurer

Trustee Samuel Jones

Trustee Ministry

Trustee Darrell Jackson

Envelope Offering Clerk

Online Giving App Instructions (Tithely)

As Pastor mentioned in one of our 2019 Church Conference, we began to research an online giving platform. Due to the nature of the pandemic, the board found it urgent to find an on-line giving platform immediately. On Thursday, March 26th, 2020, during an emergency board meeting called by the pastor, the board voted unanimously to use as our online giving platform effective immediately.

Click on the link below to view and download instructions on how to use Tithely

Donation Instructions Final.pdf

Shiloh Baptist Church of Bordentown, NJ
Sunday, July 7, 2024
Rev. Todd S. McCrary, Pastor
Shiloh Baptist Church of Bordentown, NJ
Sunday, July 14, 2024
Rev. Todd S. McCrary, Pastor
Shiloh Baptist Church of Bordentown, NJ
Sunday August 25, 2024
Rev. Todd S. McCrary, Pastor
Minister Tyrone Mease, Guest Preacher
Shiloh Baptist Church of Bordentown, NJ
September 1, 2024
Rev.  Todd S. McCrary, Pastor
Shiloh Baptist Church of Bordentown, NJ
Sunday September 15, 2024
Rev. Todd S. McCrary, Pastor
Shiloh Baptist Church of Bordentown
Sunday September 22, 2024
Rev. Todd S. McCrary, Pastor
Shiloh Baptist Church of Bordentown, NJ
Sunday, September 29, 2024
Rev. Todd S. McCrary, Pastor
Shiloh Baptist Church of Bordentown, NJ
Sunday, October 6, 2024
Rev. Todd S. McCrary, Pastor
Shiloh Baptist Church of Bordentown, NJ
Sunday, October 13, 2024
Rev. Todd S. McCrarry, Pastor
  •  10/27/2024 11:00 AM
  •   Shiloh Baptist Church 104 1/2 Elizabeth Street Bordentown, NJ

Good works bring glory to God as we reflect on the nature of Christ in our world by expressing the love of God, bearing the fruit of the spirit, and walking in the power and goodness of God. We are individually a one-of-kind masterpiece on special assignments that reflect the gifts, talents, and skills God has given us. Guest Speaker: Talaya Darcel - A Voice Empowering Hearts and Souls Theme: God's Masterpiece - "I Am A Work of Art" Color: Any shade of pink or fuchsia Scriptures: Epheian 2:10 & Proverbs 3:15-16 Tanya N. Anderson, Chair and Monica Sanders-Gideon, Vice Chair

  •  10/30/2024 06:00 PM - 10/30/2024 08:30 PM
  •   Shiloh Baptist Church 104 1/2 Elizabeth Street Bordentown, NJ

Guest speaker will be the Rev. Andre' Stanton of Christ Baptist Church of Burlington, NJ. There will be a dinner from 6:00 pm till 6:45 pm followed by the service. We welcome all to join us.

  •  01/20/2024 11:00 AM
  •   104 1/2 Elizabeth Street, Bordentown, NJ, USA


  •  10/22/2023 11:00 AM
  •   Shiloh Baptist Church

Sunday, October 22nd Annual Women's Day to be observed. The Guest Speaker will be Sister Darcel Johnson.

  •  09/23/2023 11:00 AM
  •   104 1/2 Elizabeth Street, Bordentown, NJ, USA

"Essentials For Spiritual Growth"

  •  07/23/2023 11:00 AM
  •   104 1/2 Elizabeth Street, Bordentown, NJ, USA

Shiloh Baptist Church of Bordentown, NJ invites you to worship with them Sunday, July 23rd at 11:00 am. Guest Preacher will be Reverend Daryl Winston of Christ Baptist Church of Burlington, NJ. Everyone is welcome to join us. Fellowship and lunch to be served following the service.

  •  05/20/2023 11:00 AM
  •   104 1/2 Elizabeth Street, Bordentown, NJ, USA

Come join us to support Shiloh's Men's Day Ministry. We will be serving rib dinners and sandwiches. It is suggested that you pre-order for the event. Cost is $18.00 for the dinner and $12.00 for the sandwich. You can send in your orders to Click on the Read More button to access the link for the order form is at the bottom of the page.

  •  03/18/2023 11:00 AM
  •   104 1/2 Elizabeth Street, Bordentown, NJ, USA

Come join us to support Shiloh's Men's Day Ministry. We will be serving Italian, American, Turkey and Ham Hoagies. It is suggested that you pre-order for the event. Cost is $8.00 per hoagie and includes chips and a drink. You can send in your orders to Click on the Read More button to access the link for the order form is at the bottom of the page.

  •  12/31/2022 12:00 PM
  •   104 1/2 Elizabeth Street

Worship Service

  •  11/20/2022 11:00 AM
  •   Shiloh Baptist Church, 104 1/2 Elizabeth Street, Bordentown, NJ

Guest Speaker will be Deaconess Ester Neals. Greater New Point Missionary Baptist Church Member Pledges are $250.00 for adults and $25.00 for the youth.

  •  09/10/2022 11:30 AM
  •   Gamblers Ridge Golf

11:30 am Lunch 1:00 pm Shotgun Start Green Fees & Carts Included Fees: $75.oo / Golfer

  •  11/19/2021 10:00 PM
  •   104 1/2 Elizabeth Street Bordentown, NJ

Annual Thanksgiving Basket Give Away. More information will be provided soon. Contact the church for more information.

  •  11/13/2021 09:00 AM - 11/13/2021 11:00 AM
  •   104 1/2 Elizabeth Street Bordentown, NJ

Theme: "Working Together While Creating Change"

  •  03/01/2020 11:03 AM - 04/30/2020 12:00 AM

The Women's Auxiliary Ministry of Shiloh Baptist Church Thank GOD for your donations to our "STAY AT HOME TEA" project. Sis. Shirley Johnson, President

  •  12/31/2019 10:00 PM
  •   West Burlington Street, Bordentown, NJ, USA

Join us as we fellowship and bring in the New Year with our friends at Union Baptist Church located on West Burlington Street. Service begins at 10p. Vocalist from both churches will make up the choir for the evening as well as Praise & Worship.

  •  11/27/2019 07:00 PM
  •   104 1/2 Elizabeth St. Bordentown, NJ

Psalm 136;1 O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Come tell of the goodness of the Lord and hear the word of God.

  •  10/27/2019 11:00 AM
  •   104 1/2 Elizabeth Street, Bordentown, NJ

"Women of Royalty" Isaiah 62:3 Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God.

  •  09/28/2019 11:00 AM
  •   Shiloh Baptist Church of Bordentown, NJ
  •  09/14/2019 12:00 PM
  •   Gambler Ridge Golf Course 121 Burlington Path Road, Cream Ridge, NJ 08514

The Men of Shiloh Baptist Church will be hosting their Annual Golf Outing.

  • $90.00
  •  08/24/2019 12:00 AM
  •   Belmar, NJ, USA

This is a chartered fishing experience and proceeds will benefit the Ways & Means Ministry. Contact Trustee Melvin Ford for tickets and additional information. A fishing pole will be supplied. Please bring your own lunch. You are responsible for your own travel. Carpooling encouraged.

  •  07/27/2019 03:00 PM

The Women's Day Ministry of Shiloh Baptist Church of Bordentown presents "Signs of Faith Praise Ministry" on Saturday, July 27, 2019 at 3:00 pm. Join us at 104 1/2 Elizabeth Street Bordentown, NJ. There will be a "Free Will Offering".

  •  06/29/2019 10:00 AM
  •   104 1/2 Elizabeth Street, Bordentown, NJ 08505

Dr. Cherryl L. Thomas, MD, MBA, of Advancing Wellness, LLC, Monroe, New Jersey, will discuss diet and weight management with an emphasis on both salt and sugar. She will touch upon African American norms and their impact on health, including diabetes and blood pressure.

  •  06/09/2019 03:30 PM
  •   Shiloh Baptist Church

The Women Auxilliary of Shiloh Baptist Church would like you to join them in celebration at their Anniversary Service.

  •  06/08/2019 09:00 AM
  •   Shiloh Baptist Church of Bordentown

The Women's Day Committee of Shiloh Baptist Church encourage you to join them at their annual Women's Day Prayer Breakfast.

  •  05/26/2019 11:00 AM
  •   Shiloh Baptist Church 104 1/2 Elizabeth Street, Bordentown, NJ 08505

The Men of Shiloh Baptist Church will be celebrating their annual Men's Day Service.

  •  05/19/2019 03:00 PM
  •   104 1/2 Elizabeth Street, Bordentown, NJ 08505

After two-plus years of working with The Shiloh Baptist Church, God has called Rev. McCrary to lead us as our fifth Pastor. Please join us in celebration on this day, May 19th, 2019. We know God has a blessing waiting for you and your attendance and prayers will help to encourage our new Pastor as well as Shiloh. He's been called and we want to celebrate. Rev. Jamal T. Johnson, Pastor of The Zion Baptist Church of Jersey City, NJ who is a mighty man of God has been chosen to preach for this afternoon. Also, there will be great singing from a newly formed combined choir made up of Shiloh Baptist Church singers and many of The First Corinthian Baptist Church singers from Philadelphia, PA. The musical accompaniment will be provided by Bro. Shannon Woodall and family. So come out and be a witness to the awesome fellowship with us as we express our Praise to God for what he has done. Dinner will be served immediately following. Also, there is off street parking.

Announcements image
Communion Sunday
January 1, 2023

The New Bible Study Link
The link below begins December 21st, 2022 at 7p for Bible Study and will continue through June 21st, 2023. Please copy and paste to a location (preferably your smart device calendar) so that you are able to access it. God bless and see you in Bible Study.
This is a Google Meet Link. Please click on the link to access the meeting or copy and paste the link to your search engine. 
Bible Study
Wednesday, December 21, 2022 - June 21st, 2023 · 7:00 – 7:45pm

Google Meet joining info
Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 929-277-9566‬ PIN: ‪411 532 897‬#

Back to Church This Sunday, October 30, 2022
Last Sunday we had to pause from in person worship. This Sunday, October 30, 2022, we will return to in person services. The church has been sanitized and those who needed to be in isolation completed their isolation period (at least by this Sunday).
See you this Sunday for Sunday school and Sunday morning worship.
Amen to that.
Next, we are still waiting to post the new date for Women's Day. Keep checking the page for an update.
Pastor Mac.

Women's Day 2022 
Postponed until a later date not yet determined. Please read the letter found under the tab titled "More" and look for the special announcement. The hard work put into planning this special day is greatly appreciated and Women's Day 2022 will be celebrated in God's time and if it be His will.

Special Prayer Request (Fall 2022)

Continue to keep the church in prayer and the members on our sick list. A special prayer goes out to those who have been recently stricken with COVID.

About image
Net Year’s Eve Services 
America finds herself at a curious time of racial and political division. While this condition is not new, what is striking and curious about this particular time is some of the chief drivers of division claim to be Christian while simultaneously promoting superiority of one race over another. By Bible standards, this is hypocrisy.

On the subject of divisions The Apostle Paul wrote with authority, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." We at Shiloh Baptist Church Bordentown firmly claim this stance without reservation. All people are welcome, indeed invited, to share in our worship of Christ and His love, regardless of race or political leaning.

This June 19 marks the American holiday of Juneteenth, commemorating the abolition of slavery in America and the beginning of true liberty. Let us resolve to dedicate this time to advancing our country toward its Constitutional promise of full equality.

Submitted by: Trustee Dr. Darell Jackson

Back to Church This Sunday, October 30, 2022
Last Sunday we had to pause from in person worship. This Sunday, October 30, 2022, we will return to in person services. The church has been sanitized and those who needed to be in isolation completed their isolation period (at least by this Sunday).
See you this Sunday for Sunday school and Sunday morning worship.
Amen to that.
Next, we are still waiting to post the new date for Women's Day. Keep checking the page for an update.
Pastor Mac.
Sorry, registration has ended.

  • Date: 12/31/2022 12:00 PM

  • 104 1/2 Elizabeth Street, Bordentown, NJ 08505
Continued Study of Proverbs 30
Week 2
Rev. Todd S. McCrary
Continued Study of Proverbs 30
Week 4
Rev. Todd S. McCrary